The Neuroeconomy


Have you wondered why:

– Concussions in professional athletics are getting so much attention now, when society has been aware of the problem for almost 100 years?
– So many children are diagnosed with ADHD or autism now?
– College students are using stimulants at record rates, often buying their medications on the black market?
– High performers from all walks of life are resorting to using not only medications and drugs but now devices that promise to improve memory, focus, concentration and cognitive performance?
– Brain doping has emerged as a major area of controversy in academic circles, being shunned publicly by the established academic elite?
– Presidential hopefuls undergo scrutiny of their brain health during their campaign process?
– More and more TV shows and movies focus on augmenting brain function in citizens of all ages, including the very young?

The answer is simple:

We live in the Neuroeconomy!

More significant than any other societal revolution that has come before, the emergence of the Neuroeconomy signals an important transition in human evolution. For the first time ever, the wealth of individuals, businesses and nations depends more upon how we use our brains through extended brain function. Brainpower trumps horsepower as we extend our collective intelligence into the Internet.

The hypothesized “exocortex” has become a reality through cloud-based computing. Our knowledge is doubling according to a predictable, accelerating path, and computing power is growing accordingly. Within the next ten years, computers will routinely possess computational power equivalent to the human brain, and within another decade or so, it is predicted that the brain-computer interface should be so commonplace that humanity may be considered to have evolved into another life form altogether.

The Neuroeconomy is the collective economic activity surrounding the evolution of the exocortex.  And it is putting pressures on our society that have the potential to tear us apart at the seams or completely elevate our quality of life. Depending upon how we adopt technological innovations, we may be upgraded or degreded. And the forces of change are so monumental and fundamental that every life will be affected, for better or for worse.

So you have a decision to make. Will you embrace technological changes that augment your capacity, or will you reject them? Will you be a leader or a follower? Will you be a herder or part of the herd?

And if you do decide to participate and augment your cognitive capacity, how will you know you are doing it right, in a way that is safe and promotes better brain and emotional health? The stakes are so high when it comes to brain function, you should not compromise yourself and settle for untested or dangerous solutions that have the potential to permanently compromise your intelligence and brain processing ability.

Join me here to learn more about the Neuroeconomy. Find out why modern brain doctors are starting to embrace the notion of Neuroenhancement, borrowing from their experience saving and rehabilitating patients with major forms of brain injury.